- Copy and paste the template below into your group email.
- Sign with all leaders’ names in the space indicated.
- Feel free to edit as needed!
Email Subject: Rooted | Week 1
Hey Everyone!
We are so excited to see you at our first group meeting!
The Details: Our night will begin in the Auditorium then we will transition into ____________________ (room) on ____________________ (date) from 6:30PM to 8:30PM. When you walk into the Auditorium, there will be a sign with our group information on it letting you know where to sit. We will provide you with a Rooted participant guide.
See you __________
[SIGN leaders’ names]VIRTUAL GROUPS
Email Subject: Rooted | Week 1
Hey Everyone!
We are so excited to see you at our first group meeting!
The Details: Our night will begin watching a video from Pastor James together on Zoom at 6:30PM to 8:30PM. If you haven’t picked up your materials yet, please arrange a time to pick them up with Melanie Hudson at [email protected]
Here is the Zoom Link to join the meeting: (insert Zoom link)
See you __________
[SIGN leaders’ names]