Theopraxis is designed to equip you in your personal life as well as in your spheres of influence. The word “Theopraxis” combines two Greek words: theos (God) and praxis (practice). It’s not about theology for theology’s sake, but how we live and lead based on what we know about God. The ultimate aim of good theology isn’t acquiring knowledge. It’s becoming more like Jesus, which means loving God and other people more fully. As the apostle Paul puts it, “knowledge puffs up while love builds up” (1 Corinthians 8:1b).
Theopraxis isn’t just content. It’s content and conversation. A teacher presents helpful theology and then allows time for you to absorb that content through interaction with others. That’s because the goal isn’t for you to know. It’s for you to apply what you know in your life and leadership. When you’re able to discuss what you’re learning, wrestle with tensions, and ask questions, you end up owning that information. When you own information, you’re more likely to apply it. And when you apply it, you grow and change
Jesus said it would be better that he go away so the Holy Spirit could come.
- Who is the Holy Spirit?
- What exactly is the role of this third member of the Trinity?
- How does the Holy Spirit work in us individually?
- How do we encourage the Holy Spirit’s work in the lives of others?
In this 1-week module we will discuss the importance of the Holy Spirit so that you can grow in your own faith and feel prepared to have conversations about the Holy Spirit in your area of leadership.